
mercredi 21 octobre 2015

Twitter CEO Sorry for Poor Relationship with Developers

Twitter Bird Logo

Twitter has had a rocky relationship with third-party application developers for several years now. From the controversial 100,000 token limit that capped the growth of third party clients to the recent incident where they took down an archive service that tracked tweets by politicians, the company is under fire for the way it has treated developers using its API. Twitter’s efforts to control its platform under its own roof doesn’t seem to be working out very well however, with the company having to lay off over 300 employees and analysts at Morgan Stanley downgrading its stock rating.


Times have changed, however, and with new leadership at the helm it seems the company wants to fix its reputation among developers. CEO Jack Dorsey took to the stage at Twitter Flight, the company’s annual Developer Conference, to express his desire to build a new relationship with developers.

“Developers took to our service from day one and [gave] Twitter a much more global reach. … But somewhere along the line our relationship with developers got a little bit complicated, a little bit confusing, a little bit unpredictable. … We want to come to you today and first and foremost apologize for our confusion. We want to reset our relationship and we want to make sure that we are learning, we are listening and we are rebooting.” – Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, October 21, 2015

We have yet to see how Twitter will rebuild its trust, especially since the company is still looking to fill the shoes of Jeff Sandquist, the former head of developer and platform relations. At the very least, it seems Twitter is taking feedback from developers on how to best improve its services.

Developers on Twitter: please tweet your ideas and requests using hashtag #helloworld. We’re listening!

Do you use Twitter? If so, which app do you use? Let us know in the comments below!



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